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Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in Port Moody

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Diagnosing Eye Health Can Save Sight

Many eye conditions and eye diseases may not show symptoms during early stages. Some patients may ignore minor symptoms, assuming their vision or health is normal. When eye conditions are overlooked, it increases the risk of vision loss or damage. 

Regular eye exams can assess your eye health and detect symptoms invisible to the naked eye. Port Moody Eye Care Centre has technology for diagnosing and tracking minor changes, providing more accurate diagnosis and more options for managing and treating your eye health.

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Understanding Changes in Your Eye Health

Eye health is more than 20/20 vision. If you believe you’re seeing clearly, or are happy just getting by, you might be ignoring significant symptoms. Vision and eye health are impacted by various health and environmental factors, and sight isn’t the only victim.

Although many eye conditions eventually cause vision changes as they progress, you may also experience changes to eye function or comfort. Headaches or eye fatigue may not affect your 20/20 score, but it does affect your quality of life.Routine eye exams are the best way to detect chronic eye conditions before symptoms show.

What Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

Dry Form AMD

The dry form of AMD is much more common, making up about 85% of cases. In this version of the disease, deposits of fat called drusen start to collect around the macula (the part of the retina responsible for your central vision). The drusen block light from reaching the macula, and in extreme cases, can eventually cause the cells of the macula to die.

Wet form AMD develops when irregular blood vessels start to grow in front of the retina. These blood vessels break, leaking fluid in front of the retina and potentially causing scarring of the macula. This blocks light from entering the macula, causing blind spots in the central vision.

Wet AMD is uncommon, but very severe, accounting for the majority of vision loss associated with AMD. As it develops much more quickly, it’s important for an optometrist to assess your eye health and begin treatment.

If you experience sudden vision changes to your central vision, book an appointment immediately.

What Is Conjunctivitis?

Most of us have a specific picture in our head when we hear “pink eye”. Conjunctivitis (or pink eye) conjures images of red, itchy, goopy eyes. But is that all conjunctivitis is? 

Conjunctivitis refers to an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin mucous membrane covering the eye. The inflammation can come from a variety of sources and present a variety of symptoms.

There are 3 main types of conjunctivitis: allergic, viral, and bacterial. Symptoms for each form can present similarly, but require different treatment.

For this reason, it’s crucial you come in for an appointment as soon as possible to diagnose and treat your conjunctivitis. While it is rare, untreated cases of conjunctivitis can lead to vision loss. It’s better to see our optometrists and have them tell you it’ll clear up on its own than to assume it will be fine and regret it for years.


Although there is some variation across the different types, common symptoms of pink eye include:

  • Swollen eyelids
  • Watery eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Discharge (sticky or watery or stringy)
  • Burning or itching sensation
  • Pink of red discolouration (whites of the eye)

What Are Floaters?

That random shape floating around in the corner of your vision is what we call a floater. Sometimes it looks like a squiggly line, and sometimes it looks like a doughnut. No matter what shape it’s in, you can’t seem to look directly at it.

The shape is really nothing more than a piece of the inside of your eye (the vitreous) floating around. For the most part, it’s harmless.However, if you notice a sudden increase in floaters, seek medical attention. When floaters appear to be coming in a downward shower or are accompanied by flashes, it can indicate retinal tearing or detachment, which requires immediate repair.

Why Do Floaters Happen?

When you’re born, the substance that fills your eye (called the vitreous) is like jelly. As you age, it thins or dissolves to become more liquid. The floating shapes you see are simply pieces of the vitreous that haven’t dissolved yet floating around inside your eye.

Can I Get Rid of Floaters?

Because floaters don’t really impact your ability to see, eye doctors don’t typically treat them. For the most part, they’re just an occasional annoyance that comes along with being human; like the visual equivalent of the hiccups. However, if they start to become so frequent that they become a significant distraction, there is a procedure to remove floaters: a vitrectomy.

During a vitrectomy, an ophthalmologist removes the vitreous, replacing it with a fluid that serves the same purpose. By removing the vitreous altogether, the doctor gets rid of any undissolved pieces, eliminating the floaters.

Feeding Your Vision: How Nutrition Impacts Your Eyesight

If the human body is a machine, food is the fuel. Every part of the body requires fuel to function, and just like a machine, some fuels provide better performance than others.

Nutrition affects every body function. Muscles need protein, bones need calcium, and blood needs iron. Your eyes also require certain nutrients to perform well and stay healthy. Eating a balanced diet can help prevent eye disease and protect your gift of sight.

Supplementing Your Vision Diet

When you’re planning your meals, you don’t just have to focus on nourishing your eyes. You have a whole body to feed. Sometimes it can be hard to give your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs just through three square meals. If you’re not finding all the nutrients you need in your diet, you may choose to take vitamin supplements as well. There are actually supplements formulated to promote eye health. Ask your pharmacist to help you find vitamins to strengthen and nourish your eyes!

Other Ways to Maintain Healthy Eyes

Eating a balanced diet goes a long way to keeping your eyes strong, but it’s also important to exercise to keep your eyes working the way they should. Obesity and diabetes are contributing factors to a number of eye diseases, so a good exercise routine is just another step you can take to strengthen your eyes.

Smoking also increases the risk of many eye conditions like cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and glaucoma. By quitting smoking, you’re granting your eyes and the rest of your body a longer, happier life.

Nutrients That Promote Eye Health

Looking for nutrients to support your eye health and help prevent eye conditions? You might consider adding vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3, and zinc to your diet.

Vitamin C

Even those of us with no interest in nutrition know a little something about vitamin C. It helps boost your immune system and overall wellness.

But did you know that vitamin C can also help prevent the development of cataracts? And when combined with other antioxidants, vitamin C may slow down the progression of age-related macular degeneration and even help you maintain your visual acuity.

Vitamin C is found in leafy greens and lots of delicious fruits.

Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that may safeguard our eyesight, particularly for parts of the eye susceptible to oxidative damage.

You can get your vitamin E from nuts, sweet potatoes, and fortified cereals.

Studies show that these exotically named antioxidants can help prevent and slow down a number of chronic eye conditions, particularly age-related eye conditions, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in leafy green vegetables, eggs, and other foods.

Our culture hates the word “fat”, but not all fat is bad or unhealthy. Some fats are an important part of a healthy diet. Researchers say that omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to maintaining good visual development and healthy retinas.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also recommended for patients experiencing dry eyes.

You can work omega-3 fatty acids into your diet by adding fish to the menu.

Scientists like to call zinc a “helper molecule.” It’s an essential nutrient with multiple health benefits. By bringing vitamin A up from the liver to the retina, zinc helps in the production of melanin. Melanin is an important pigment that offers protection to the eye.

Beans, nuts, and some seafood like crab and lobster make a delicious source of zinc.

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Protect Your Eye Health with Port Moody Eye Care Centre

There are many things you can do to protect your eye health, but it’s also a team sport. Our eye care team has the diagnostic tools and resources to support your eye health. Making routine eye exams part of your life can help diagnose eye problems early and preserve your vision.

Visit your optometrist at Port Moody Eye Care Centre to learn more about how we can help. Book an appointment today.

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Our Locations

Ioco Road

Our office is located in Heritage Mountain Plaza, right across from Port Moody City Hall.

Parking is available in the parking lot directly in front of our practice. 

If you’re having trouble finding us, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!


  • 260-221 Ioco Rd
  • Port Moody, BC V3H 4H2

Contact Information

St Johns Street

Our St Johns Street location, conveniently located right next to Shoppers Drug Mart, offers easy access for all your eye care needs.
Street Parking only.

Whether you’re here for a routine check-up, a new pair of glasses, or specialized treatment, our friendly team is ready to assist you.


  • 3223 St Johns St
  • Port Moody, BC V3H 2E1

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